There were 21 cars in the series consisting of #'s 454001 - 454021. The first 14 were constructed during 1964-66, with the remaining cars built in 1971. They were originally American Car and Fundry built 70 Ton offset side triple hoppers. Wood extensions were added to increase the capacity. My son made the load for it using foam and saw dust from our table saw.
It came with a laser cut wood deck, unfortunately the pocket holes didn't line up very well with those on the body, so I made a new deck from 0.060" V-Groove Styrene sheet. I scribed individual board lines on the edges to make them look like separate boards.
The load simulates hydro poles made from Southern Yellow Pine logs. They are 3/16" Poplar dowels stained with Minwax Dark Walnut stain. I also dusted them with some Bragdon powders. The stakes are brass rod, turned down to fit in the stake pockets on one end and drilled on the other so they look to be made from steel tubes. The Brass stakes and poles add much needed mass to this car. The poles are glued together by flowing some thin CA on the end of the pile and are secured to the deck with metal strapping made from black construction paper.
The car is painted with Scale Coat Oxide Red and decalled with the fine Mask Island Decals supplied in the kit.
Both cars are fitted with Rapido's 70 Ton Barber S2A trucks.